Amirah Nabilah
25/1/2018 14:59:48
Kategori: Cerpen
Genre: Umum

        The sun was shining; birds were chirping and a breath of fresh air in the morning. People came and visited their relatives or family, some of them just had a medical checkup and some of them were placed in the medical rooms.Also, there was a family was waiting for newborn. On this 25th December 1990, a baby girl was coming out from her mother’s womb.“Congratulations on the birth of your cute baby girl, Mr. Raahi!”, said a nurse. A whole family was very excited and as a father, he was crying because of happiness that came again in his family. They came to labor room to visit a mother and newborn. A mother was crying because she was really happy and grateful. As a Muslim, a father must recite an adhan in their infant’s right ear so that it is the first words they hear and Mr. Raahi did it. A few minutes later, a female doctor came to visit them and asked a question that related to giving a name on the newborn. “Congratulations on the cute angel added to your family, Mr. Raahi and Mrs. Ifra. First of all, I would like to ask both of you if you have an idea of giving a name to your angel. We need to register her birth certificate by today”. Both of them were looking at each other and smiled. “Yes, we have one. We would like to name her; Mariya Yasmina”, said Mr.Raahi while looking at his wife. Mrs. Ifra smiled and agreed with her husband,“Yes, this angel’s name is Mariya Yasmina and its meaning is a purity of a beautiful flower that shines. I hope she can take care of her purity when she grows up as her beautiful name’s meaning.” Everyone was smiling. A beautiful name with its beautiful meaning can describe everything about her. “I agree with mom and dad. Welcome to our family, my cute little angel!” said Mahbeer Yaweer, a son to Mr. Raahi and Mrs. Ifra. He was very excited after knowing that he will get a little sister and he promised to himself that he will take care of her. The doctor was smiling at that family and said, “Alright. I will write her name as Mariya Yasmina Raahi on her birth certificate.”

     13 years had passed and everything was changed in her life. But, she stilled a cute, fair and short girl who has chubby cheeks and small eyes and mouth like a Korean. She was no more a kid who never cares about people because she moved to a new life as a teenager. She needed to leave her childhood and her Barbie dolls. She must find a new friend that had the same age with her. Her attitude changed after her first day in a high school. She entered her classroom and everyone looked at her. Am I wearing something weird today? Why are they looking at me like that? It’s weird. People around here are weird. It’s better to live at home and just doing homeschooling. She was babbling in her heart. Without looked at her classmates, she just sat at an empty place and started to read ‘Doraemon’ comic. “Hi. Can I sit here?” said a beautiful and short girl like her. “Oh, hi.Sure. Nobody sits here.” she said with smiling face. She felt lucky because at least there was one person wanted to sit and talk with her. “By the way, I’m Mariya Yasmina Raahi. Mariya for short. How about you?” she started their first conversation. “Wow, your name is beautiful like you. I’m Umnia Qabeel. Just call me Nia. Oh and by the way, sorry to ask but are you from a rich family?Because your style and fashion look like you are from that kind of family. I’m really sorry for asking that question in our first met.” Umnia looked upset because she knew that Mariya Yasmina will angry or ignore her question. She just wanted to know because all her classmates did not want to talk with her so she was curious. Mariya Yasmina just smiled and never felt angry about that question. She knew Umnia just wanted to know details about her as a friend. “It’s okay, Nia. No need to say sorry. It’s not a wrong thing to ask. As a friend,you should know details about me. Am I right?” she smiled at Umnia. Umnia felt happy because Mariya Yasmina did not angry at her. “Let me answer your question. I never think I’m from the rich family because I think all of us are at the same level. We are human and we are same except our heart. By the way,let me tell you about my background family. My dad works as an engineer meanwhile my mother works as a writer. I have a brother named Mahbeer Yaweer and he is 18 years old. I just lived in the area beside our school. That is all about me.”, she answered with humble. “You are very humble, Mariya. I think wecan be a best friend since I also do not know anybody at here.” Umnia hoped that Mariya Yasmina wanted to be her best friend. “Of course, I really want to be your best friend. I know you are kind – hearted girl and never leave me if there is something happen to me in future”, said Mariya Yasmina. They continued talking and shared their interests until their teacher came to the class.


    A year had passed and she really enjoyed her student life even though she only had Umnia as her bestfriend. She was running late to school and she just ran to her classroom. Bam! Everything on her hand was falling down on the floor. “Hey, girl! Are you blind? You are such a clumsy girl.”Mariya Yasmina was shocked by that statement and felt angry. She picked all her things on the floor and stood up. They were looking at each other. There was an awkward feeling came towards them. Hmm,he is quite handsome but his attitude makes me felt annoyed. Mariya Yasmina was babbling in her heart. She went away from his eyesight. That boy remained silent and just looked at her until she disappeared. “Who is she? I never saw her before this. She is not famous in this school. Ah, I do not care about her.My girlfriend is more beautiful than her. She is short and has chubby cheeks.She is not my cup of tea. But, she is cute actually.” Abdur – Raqeeb was babbling alone while walking to his classroom. He was the most handsome and famous boy in the school. However, he had a beautiful and fierce girlfriend named Lamya. They were a couple of the year because of they always together every time in the school. “Darling, are you okay? What is happening to you just now? Your face looks different today. Tell me your problem”, Lamya asked Abdur– Raqeeb after she saw her boyfriend looked different than before this. “I’m okay, sweetheart. But, there was something happened to me in the early morning”, said Abdur – Raqeeb. Lamya was curious and kept asking her boyfriend,“What had happened just now? Tell me now”. Abdur – Raqeeb explained slowly to make sure his girlfriend would not piss off, “Actually, there was a girl ran and she hit me. Maybe she just late to enter her classroom. But, I never saw her before this. Either she is a new student or she is not famous in our school. Ah, I do not want to think about her. That is not important to me.”Lamya was interesting to know more about that girl because she felt something.“I think she is blind and clumsy. By the way, how about her physical characteristics? Is she beautiful? Her body is kind of body goal?”, Lamya asked too many questions that showed she was quite jealous with Mariya Yasmina. Abdur– Raqeeb was laughing at that question and Lamya made a jealous face.“Sweetheart, please do not jealous of her. She is not beautiful at all. She isshort, has chubby cheeks, has small eyes and of course, she is chubby. You are perfect than her”, explained Abdur – Raqeeb but inside his heart, Mariya Yasmina is cute and there is something special inside her. He did not want Lamya attacked Mariya Yasmina because he knew Lamya very well. Lamya just smiled and happy with his answer.

    Mariya Yasmina and Umnia were queuing up to buy their favorite food; chicken rice at the canteen.After they bought, they were walking to their table but there was something bad happened to them. Mariya Yasmina hit Lamya and her food was spilled over Lamya’s uniform. Lamya was shouting at her and everyone looked at them. “What’s wrong with you, girl! Are you blind? Who is volunteer to wash my uniform right now? You are such a clumsy girl!” Everyone was booing and she was ashamed. “I’m really sorry. I accidentally spilled over the food. I can wash your uniform now”, Mariya Yasmina talked slowly because she felt guilty. Umnia was shocked with her words and said, “Are you out of your mind? Please do not follow her order. You have your own dignity. It is not your fault. You are just accidentally. You already said sorry to her. That is enough and just ignores her. Let us go to other place.” Lamya was laughing and shouted again. “Hey,girl! Do you have a manner? Or your parents are so busy with their work and never teach you about manner? Oh, I think you are from rich family so you act as this school is yours and you can do whatever you want. Do you think we ever care about your status? Those are your parents’ prosperity not yours, clumsy girl”. Mariya Yasmina felt pissed off when Lamya mentioned about her parents and status. She shouted, “You are so rude!” Everyone was looking at her. She wanted to slap Lamya’s face but Abdur – Raqeeb and his best friend, Waseem came to them. “What is going happen? Are you okay, sweetheart?” asked Abdur – Raqeeb without noticed Mariya Yasmina looked at him. “I’m not okay, darling. This girl is really makes me pissed off. Look what she had done to me! She is too much!”Lamya was doing a fake crying to get attention from his boyfriend. Abdur –Raqeeb looked at Mariya Yasmina and he was shocked. “Ah, you again! What is wrong with you? I’m pretty sure that you have problem with your eyes so better you check it before you hit everyone in this world”, he was laughing. Lamya was confused and curious about a relationship between his boyfriend and Mariya Yasmina. A jealous feeling came across to her mind. “Wait for a minute! Do you know this girl, sweetheart? What is your relationship with her?” asked Lamya with jealousy tone.  “Darling, there is nothing between us. I do not even know her. But, she is the one who was hitting me as I told you yesterday. A clumsy girl”, he explained to Lamya to make sure she was not accusing him. Mariya Yasmina was looking at floor without saying any word. She felt ashamed because everyone was blaming her. She wanted to cry but she could not did that because she did not want to show her weakness to public. Umnia knew how she felt and grabbed her hand to go to their classroom. Mariya Yasmina just followed Umnia without looking at them. Abdur – Raqeeb looked at her and felt guilty but him still with his ego. Lamya felt something bad about Mariya Yasmina. Lamya felt jealous because as a girl, she admit that Mariya Yasmina is cute and there was something special inside her that will make people attracted with her including Abdur – Raqeeb. She wanted to investigate about Mariya Yasmina in details. 

   “Girls, do you know that girl?” asked Lamya to her best friends, Enisa and Ifza while pointing at Mariya Yasmina who was reading a novel in the library. They looked at Mariya Yasmina and made an annoying face. “Hmm, I think she is Mariya Yasmina. She is in the same class with my boyfriend. What I heard about her was she is from a rich family and nobody wants to be her friend because she looks like arrogant and loves to sit alone except her lovely friend, Umnia. Look at her now. She stills sit alone if her best friend absent”, Enisa explained to her best friends. Lamya made a disgust expression and both of them looked at her with a confused expression. “Why are you asking,Lamya? Is she disturbing you?” asked Ifza. “Yes, she disturbed me yesterday.Guess what? She was hitting me and she spilled over the food on my uniform”,Lamya explained with an angry tone. Both of her best friends were shocked and asked her, “Did she washed your uniform after that?”. Lamya laughed and said“What a funny question! She never did that! She just goes away with her annoying best friend. Such a rude, right? But, I’m not angry because of that thing only. I think my boyfriend will fall in love with her”. Enisa and Ifza confused and asked her, “Why did you say that? Do you have a problem with your boyfriend because of her? Did Abdur – Raqeeb know her?” “No, I don’t have a problem with him. I said this because I can see when that girl went away; he looked at her without blinking. They met at the first time when she hit him too. Even they will not fall in love right now; we do not know what is going to happen in future. Maybe she will seduce him until he falls in love. She is from the rich family and she can do anything with money. Ah, I hate this kind of feeling! I want to cry! I do not want to lose him”, said Lamya while her tears down. They felt sympathy and looked at Mariya Yasmina with full of angry. “So,what is your plan? We are pretty sure that you know what to do to save your relationship”, said Enisa. She knew that Lamya always had a good plan ifsomebody tries to make her pissed off. “Do you want to warn her? Or slap herface in public?” asked Ifza because she knew Lamya very well. Lamya made a smirking face and said, “I won’t hurt her by physical but mentally.” Enisa andIfza were looking at each other. “What do you mean, Limya? We do not understand. Would you share with us?” asked Enisa. “Just wait and see, girls.We will see a girl who will suffer because has a mental issue. At that day, she will cry and ashamed to meet everyone. I can’t wait!” explained Lamya while winking to them. She looked at Mariya Yasmina with full of revenge. She did not share her plan with Enisa and Ifza yet because she can handle it by herself. She wanted to make Mariya Yasmina suffered and she did not care about the status.She knew Mariya Yasmina was richer than her and can do anything with money but it never blocking her to do her plan.

    “Look at her! She is such a hypocrite person!” “She is like a whore!”“Where is her dignity? She never brings her name’s meaning! Pity on her parents.” “She is from rich family so she can do whatever she wants because she has a lot of money.” “No wonder she did not want to talk with people. She did that disgusting thing!” “Look like a nerd and quiet person but wild.” “Thank God. I am not from rich family and I’m not become her friend.” Mariya Yasmina was weird with all those words that thrown at her. What is wrong with these people? Am I did something wrong? I think there is nothing happened to me. I am not disturbing their life. They are crazy. Mariya Yasmina entered the class and all her classmates were whispering among themselves while looking at her. She just went to her place and waited for Umnia to ask about the problem with all people in this school. Umnia was entering the class and looked at her face. Umnia knew that Mariya Yasmina was not fault. “Umnia, I have something to tell you”, said Mariya Yasmina. “I know what you are going to say. I know everything, Mariya”, said Umnia. Mariya Yasmina was curious and shocked. “What do you know? I do not understand. Can you explain to me?” she asked. Umnia opened her Samsung tab and opened her Facebook. Mariya Yasmina just looked at her action with her thinking face. Umnia showed a picture on Facebook to Mariya Yasmina and she was shocked.That was her face with a man on the bed! She did not know who that man was and they never met before this. “Umnia, I really do not know who he is. I never met him before this. You believe on me, right? You know me very well. I’m not kind of person who love to go out if there is no reason. I spend most of my time at my house and I just go out with my family. I also do not talk to strangers even people in this school. I only have you. My family always reminds to me that Imust take care of my dignity and status”, Mariya Yasmina explained to make sure Umnia knew that she was a victim. She wanted to cry but she could not do that. Umnia felt sympathy on her. “Mariya, I know you very well. I know you will not do this thing. I believe on you. I am sure that there was someone who jealous with you and wanted to make you down. We must investigate who do this harsh thing”. Mariya Yasmina felt happy because Umnia was believed on her. She only had Umnia and her family. “Thank you so much, Umnia. You are my real friend”,said Mariya Yasmina and they hugged each other. She kept strong to continue her studies at here. She wanted to tell this rumor to her family so that they did not heard from other side only. Unfortunately, the rumor turned to the worst thing.

  “Who is Mariya Yasmina Raahi?” asked a female teacher in front of the classroom’s door. “Yes, I am”, said Mariya Yasmina. “Alright. Follow me now.Your parents are in the principal’s room right now. They want to meet you”,said that teacher with an angry tone. Mariya Yasmina was shocked and just followed her. All of her classmates were looking at her and whispering among themselves. Umnia felt something bad but she just hoped that everything would fine. What is going to happen again? Why mom and dad come here? I am not doing any bad thing. Oh Allah, please help me.Only You know the truth. “You deserve it”, said the teacher after they arrived at the principal’s room. Mariya Yasmina was shocked with that word came out from that teacher but she did not want to ask for details. She knocked the door and the principal asked her to come in. She saw her parents and their face looked disappointed with something. “Mariya Yasmina Raahi, do you know that your disgusting picture has been widespread across all the social sites? Why you do that thing? Where are your manner and dignity? All of the people are talking bad about you and also our school! They know you are from this school based on our badge at your scarf. You are wearing school’s scarf but half-naked with that man in the picture. Are you playing with our religion? What is wrong with you? I do not expect you can do that thing because you are a brilliant student in this school. How could you do this disgusting thing!”, explained the principal with a disappointed tone. Mariya Yasmina was shocked with the statement from the principal. Her tears fell and she looked at her parents. “I did not do that thing. I never knew who he is. I also do not know about that picture until Umnia showed to me. I swear to Allah that I never do that disgusting thing!”, she explained clearly. Three of them were shocked with her answers. “Stop lying to us! Do not play with Allah name. Just admit what you have done. Admit it in front of me and your parents now!”. The principal still did not believe what she said. Mr. Raahi and Mrs. Ifra just looked down because of they ashamed and frustrated with Mariya Yasmina. “Mom! Dad! Do you believe me,right? I never did that. Please say something”. Mariya Yasmina was crying and hoped that their parents believe in her. Mrs. Ifra looked at her daughter and she can saw from Mariya Yasmina’s eyes that she tell the truth. She knew her daughter very well. Mariya Yasmina was not kind of person who easily talked with people. “Mr. Raahi and Mrs. Ifra, I’m sorry to say this thing. Mariya Yasmina will be punished. She will be sentenced to not come to school for a week because of her fault. Within a week, she must clean our school name by admitting her mistake in public which is on her social media. After every thing is settling within a week, she must do the same thing during assembly. This is the best way to clean our school name and yours. If she refused to do this thing, she will not be able to study here again”, ordered the principal. “I’m behalf of my daughter, I’m really sorry. I will make sure my daughter will do that thing within a week”, said Mr. Raahi with a sad tone. “Alright. You can bring your daughter back to your home now. See you soon”, said the principal to Mr. Raahi before they were shaking their hands. Three of them went out from the principal’s room and just went straight to the parking without talking to each other. Someone watched them from afar while smiling.

    At home, Mr. Raahi scolded Mariya Yasmina in front of Mrs. Ifra and Mahbeer Yaweer. “How could you do that thing, Mariya! We were ashamed! All of people including our neighbors and friends talked about you! Where is your dignity! You break our heart! You never bring your name in a good way!” Mariya Yasmina was crying and said, “I never did that, dad. I did not know who he is.Please believe on me. I’m pretty sure there is someone who jealous with me and did that thing by editing my picture. I can swear to Allah that I never did that disgusting thing!”. Mrs. Ifra and Mahbeer Yaweer just looked at Mariya Yasmina because they could not say anything but, they knew that Mariya Yasmina was betrayal by someone. “Ah, such a nonsense answer! Who is the person jealous with you? Do you know her? Bring me to her house!”, Mr. Raahi shouted at her. Mariya Yasmina stressed because her father did not believe on her and the others just keep quiet. She was crying and did not realize she had raised her voice to her father. “I don’t know who! I say I did not do that and I did not know who he is! Why are you hard to understand me! I’m stressed out!” Everyone was shocked.“Mariya! Why are you so rude to your dad!”, shouted Mrs. Ifra. Mariya Yasmina cried again because her mother did not back up her. “I’m sorry for that”, she answered slowly. Mahbeer Yaweer just looked at her younger sister with a sad feeling. He could saw that Mariya Yasmina was stressed to explain the truth.“Start from now, you are not allowed to leave your room and this house for a week! Other than that, you must do what the principal asked to do! If you are still with your stubborn, you know what I am going to do! Understand, Mariya Yasmina?”, ordered Mr. Raahi. “But dad…” Mariya Yasmina wanted to say something but Mr. Raahi interrupted. “No more but! Get in your room now!”, shouted Mr.Raahi. Mariya Yasmina was crying and said the last word, “Alright. I will stay in my room as you asked just now. Oh and before that, I have something to say.I hope Allah will show the truth to everyone. But, I won’t admit my fault in public because I did not do that. Why I have to confess about something that I did not do? If I tell everyone that I did not do that thing, will they believe?Will they apologize to me for their defamation? I’m sorry if I bring a bad luck in this family. If all of you know what’s inside my heart right now, but it’s okay. Only Allah knows everything in my heart. I thought my family will believe on me but I’m wrong. Nobody believes on me right now. I will stay in my room until the end of my life. Do not worry”. She just smiled to her family and went straight to her room. Everyone looked at each other. They felt weird with her words.

   “Girls, do you know about Mariya Yasmina?”, asked Ifza to Enisa and Lamya. “What is going on,Ifza?”, asked Enisa while ate a curry puff. “The principal asked her to stay at home for a week because of her fault. In addition, she must admit it in social sites and at our assembly within this week. If not, she must go to another school but will they accept her after that case? I do not think so. She deserves it, right?”, Lamya interrupted while made a smirking face. Enisa was surprised but felt sympathy on Mariya Yasmina. “Pity on her but I did not expect she will do that thing”, said Enisa. “Same goes to me. She looked innocent and did not want to talk with everyone but how come she slept with a man? It’s weird”, Ifza agreed with Enisa. Lamya made a rolling eyes with their words. “Oh, come on girls. What is wrong with you? Why you need to feel sympathy on her? She is a hypocrite. She just pretends to be innocent and arrogant but actually, she likes a whore. Such a disgusting”. Enisa and Ifza thought for a while and agreed with Lamya’s statement. Lamya made a happy face and smiled alone. Ifza and Enisa felt weird with Lamya. “Err, why are you so happy with this case?”, asked Ifza. Lamya was laughing and said, “Nothing,darling. I’m just happy because my plan was successful this time”. Ifza and Enisa looked at each other and felt something bad about Lamya. “Your plan? What do you mean? Why do not you share it with us?”, asked Ifza. “Yes, tell us now.We are best friends, right?”, Enisa tried to persuade Lamya. Lamya took a longtime to think either to tell her best friends or just kept it secretly. “Hello,Lamya! We are talking to you”, said Ifza after saw Lamya like live in her own imagination. “Ah, fine. I will tell you both about this plan but promise to me that both of you will not tell everyone”, said Lamya. Both of them just nods and waited for Lamya to tell her plan. “My successful plan is I have managed to get rid of her! Actually, that man on the picture with her is my cousin. I made a plan with him. He is very expert in editing the picture. It looks real,right? Am I look smart? Pity on you, Mariya Yasmina!”, explained Lamya while laughing. Ifza and Enisa was surprised and looked at each other. They did not expect that Lamya will do that worst thing. “But, why are you doing that? Is she disturbing your boyfriend? Or she made you pissed off again?”, asked Ifza slowly. “No. She did not do that things but she will do if she still studies in this school! I hate her so much! Do you want to know why? Because I’m very jealous of her. She is from a rich family, an intelligent girl and more beautiful than me. I’m afraid if Abdur – Raqeeb will fall in love with her because she has everything rather than me. I can see from his eyes as I mentioned before. I feel jealous to see her happy everyday even though she only has one friend. I do not want everyone likes her and gives attention to her. I do not want she shows her face in our school and area anymore!”, shouted Lamya. She looked like a girl who had a mental problem. She left her best friends andkept smiling while walking. Ifza and Enisa watched her until she lost from their eyesight and looked at each other. “Do you want to involve in her plan?”,asked Ifza. “I don’t want to involve anymore because this is too much. If Mariya Yasmina knows the truth one day and she will report to the police, we will be arrested because we involve in this case. If we advice Lamya to admit her fault in public or give some advice to her, of course she did not want. You know how she is, right?”, said Enisa with a worried face. Ifza agreed with Enisa and asked, “Yes, you are true. So, what is your plan to avoid this case?”Enisa thought for a while and had an idea. “Hmm, how about if we meet Mariya Yasmina’s parents at her house and tell the truth? At least they know that we are not involved in Lamya’s plan. What do you think, Ifza?”. Ifza wanted to agree with Enisa’s plan but she afraid if Lamya angry and did something bad to them. “I agree with you but how about if Lamya find out that we tell the truth to them? And, how we want to prove that she is the one who is guilty because we don’t have any proof”. “Ifza, if we tell to them about this of course they will believe because we are Lamya’s best friend and they know that of course she will tell everything to us. About Lamya, don’t worry. She will not doing anything to us because I’m pretty sure that they will make a police report and report to our principal about this matter so Lamya can’t do anything. We are bad girls but at least, we still have our kind heart to think about others. Am I right?”, explained Enisa with a smiling face. Ifza was proud after heard the explanation and agreed with Enisa. They wanted to go to Mariya Yasmina’s house after finished school hours. Before that, they met Umnia to tell everything and asked her to follow them to make sure everyone will believe on them.

   Ding Dong! They pressed the bell on the gate. They were surprised with Mariya Yasmina’s big house and they believed that she was really from a rich family. They saw her parents’ cars were there and they felt relieved. Mrs. Ifra came to the gate and saw them with a weird face but it turned to confused face when she saw Umnia also was there. She only knew Umnia because Mariya Yasmina always brought Umnia to their house for studying and chatting. “Hi, aunty! We are sorry to disturb you but we need to tell the important thing that related to Mariya Yasmina. Oh and before that, these are Ifza and Enisa, our schoolmates. They will explain everything from the beginning until the end. We want to explain to aunty, uncle and also, Mariya. We need to clear the thing”, explained Umnia slowly. Mrs.Ifra was shocked when Umnia mentioned Mariya Yasmina name and she had a bad thought again. “About Mariya? What she did again? This girl never realize it!”.“No, aunty. Mariya was not guilty in her case. That is why we are coming to explain everything to all of you”, said Umnia. Mrs. Ifra was curious and invited them to get in the house. “You all can sit here. I will make a coffee to you and call uncle and Mariya”, said Mrs. Ifra while smiling at them. She was calling her husband and Mariya Yasmina before made a coffee for them. Both of them went down and Mariya Yasmina was shocked to see her friends in her house.“What’s going on, Ifra? Who are they?”, asked Mr. Raahi. Mrs. Ifra brought a tray of coffee cups and said, “Darling, they are Mariya’s schoolmates. They will explain everything about Mariya’s case”. “About me? What is the new rumors about me? I’m just tired to handle this case if people still do not believe me”, interrupted Mariya Yasmina with a give up tone. Ifza and Enisa felt sadand guilty after they heard her voice. “No, Mariya. There is no new rumor about you. We are here to explain the truth. You are not guilty. I bring Ifza and Enisa because they are Lamya’s best friends, a girl who shouted at you at the canteen before this. Do you still remember her? That is why her best friends come here to tell the truth and they do not want to involve in this case”,explained Umnia to make sure Mariya Yasmina was not felt something bad will happen again. Mr. Raahi still confused and asked them to explain everything.“Can you explain to me? I still do not understand what is going on”. “Sure,uncle. We are going to explain everything because we feel guilty with Mariya Yasmina. She is just a victim of someone who is jealous with her”, said Enisa. Mr.Raahi, Mrs. Ifra and Mariya Yasmina sat on the sofa in front of Umnia, Ifza and Enisa. Ifza was a first person who explained the truth and followed by Enisa. They were explaining while drinking a coffee to make sure the situation was relax. Mariya Yasmina was shocked with the explanations and she never thought that Lamya was really hate her just because of jealousy. Mr. Raahi and Mrs.Ifra also shocked and felt guilty on what they had done to Mariya Yasmina. “Mariya,I’m sorry because I punished you directly without investigate this case and I do not believe on my own daughter. I’m really sorry, sweetheart”, said Mr.Raahi. “I’m sorry too, sweetheart. I should believe on my own princess. I should ask you first and give support to you. I should know what’s inside your heart”, said Mrs. Ifra while her tears fell. Mariya Yasmina smiled and said,“Do not worry, mom and dad. I already forgive you and you are my parents. Now,we know the truth”. They hugged each other. Umnia, Ifza and Enisa were happy to see them. “Darling, what’s your plan? Do you want to report the police about Lamya? Or you want to meet the principal to explain the truth?”, asked Mrs.Ifra. Mr. Raahi thought for a while and had an idea. “I won’t make a police report because Lamya is still a student and pity on her parents if this case becomes a police case. I was thinking just now. I think we should tell the truth to the principal by tomorrow morning and then, we will ask the principal to call her parents and ask her to admit it at assembly. After that, we will ask her to admit it on social sites too. It’s up to the principal what is the best sentence to her. But before that, I need Ifza and Enisa to explain everything tomorrow. If you are afraid of Lamya, don’t you worry about it.  She can't do anything because I will blackmail her if she wants to do something bad to both of you. Can you help me?”, explained Mr. Raahi. Ifza and Enisa looked at each other and said, “We are agree, uncle”. They hoped that everything will be settle down by tomorrow.

      Mr. Raahi and Mrs.Ifra were in the principal’s room with Enisa, Ifza and Mariya Yasmina. Enisaand Ifza explained everything to the principal and he was shocked about that.He felt guilty with Mariya Yasmina and said, “I’m sorry, Mariya Yasmina. I should handle this case slowly but I do the wrong thing. You are brilliant girl and I should think first before doing an action”. Mr. Raahi explained about his suggestions to settle this problem and the principal agreed with him. The principal called Lamya’s parents to ask them to come to the school without informing Lamya. 30 minutes had passed and they came and get in the principal’s room. The principal asked Enisa and Ifza to explain everything and they were shocked. “I’m really sorry on behalf of Lamya. We cannot advise her because she will pissed off. She is very different from her siblings. She is wild and loves to piss off if she cannot get what she wants. She becomes like that after she had a boyfriend. Again, I am sorry. I do not care what the sentence that she will face because I think this is the best way to change her become well in her life”, said Lamya’s father. Lamya’s mother looked sad and frustrated with Lamya’s action. The principal asked her assistant to click the bell and announced to have an emergency assembly. All the students and teachers were surprised with the announcement. Lamya felt happy because she thought Mariya Yasmina was coming and admit her fault. “Why are you smiling, darling?”, asked Abdur – Raqeeb because he felt weird to see his girlfriend smiled alone.“Nothing, darling. Is it wrong to smile and feel happy right now?”, asked Lamya while winking to him. “I win and you lose, Mariya Yasmina. Say goodbye to everyone”, said Lamya in her heart.She thought she will win but her face changed after she saw Ifza and Enisa on the stage. They looked at Lamya and she made an angry expression. Mariya Yasmina and her parents also on the stage behind Ifza and Enisa. Ifza and Enisa explained everything on the stage and everyone was shocked including Abdur -Raqeeb. They looked at Lamya and she shouted, “No! They are lying! They are betraying me! How could both of you do this to your own best friend? How much they pay to you to make sure they are winning in this case? Do you have proof to say that I’m the one who did that? Or Mariya Yasmina is the one who jealous with me in silent because she can’t get Abdur – Raqeeb’s heart? How could all of you! I’m really disappointed and sad!”. Lamya made a fake crying and looked at Mariya Yasmina. Everyone was talking to each other with full of curious. Mariya Yasmina took that microphone and said, “Lamya, why did you felt afraid if you are not doing that? And, you said I’m the one who jealous with you just because of Abdur – Raqeeb? What a funny statement! I do not even know more about him and never talked with him. Just once when I hit him. I did not haveany feelings towards him because I know he is yours. Besides that, your bestfriends are not betray you if you are not doing wrong. They tell the truth because they want you to change your behavior. To everyone, I’m sorry for everything if I bring the bad luck in this school. I did not know who is the man in the picture and never met him before this. I pray to Allah to show the truth one day and today is the day. Thank you for insulting me with bad words.I never hold grudge to anyone including you, Lamya. I already forgive you because I don’t want make an enemy. Please admit it, Lamya. Pity on your parents. Look at their face”, explained Mariya Yasmina while pointing toLamya’s parents. Lamya was shocked and felt embarrassed when everyone pointed the wrong to her. She was stressed and shouted, “Keep quiet, everyone! I won’t admit it! Mariya Yasmina, do you think you win right now? Do you think I am afraid of my parents and everyone in this school? Do you think you can live happily? I will kill you, now!” Lamya ran to her classrooms and took a scissors in her pencil case. Mr. Raahi called the policemen to come quickly to arrest Lamya. He did not want to involve with police but he thought of her daughter’s safety. “I will kill you in front of your parents. You will die today. I hate you so much, Mariya Yasmina”, said Lamya in her heart while holding her scissors. She ran quickly towards Mariya Yasmina and shouted, “Mariya Yasmina!”. Everyone shocked with that and tried to prevent her from came to Mariya Yasmina. Abdur – Raqeeb took the scissors from her hand and slap her face. “Are you crazy? Do you want to stay in the jail? Inever expect that you did that thing! Start from now, I’m not your boyfriend anymore. I don’t want to have a crazy girlfriend like you! You have a rotten heart! We are over!”, shouted Abdur – Raqeeb. Lamya was surprised and cried in front of him. She begged him to not let her go because she really loves him so much but Abdur – Raqeeb still with his decision. The policemen came and their head officer said, “Arrest her now!”. Lamya wanted to run away but the police officers can arrest her. Her parents were crying and met her for a while. Lamya was crying and said, “Forgive me, mom and dad”. The policemen brought Lamya to their car and she looked at Mariya Yasmina with full of anger. “Mariya Yasmina, it is not over yet”,said Lamya in her heart. Everyone met Mariya Yasmina and asked forgiveness from her. She forgave everyone and she borrowed her dad’s mobile tab to write the truth in social sites to make sure everyone knows the truth. Abdur – Raqeeb looked at her and smiled. She smiled back to him. Thank you Allah for helping me and showing the truth today. I am so grateful. She could not wait to tell everything to her beloved brother, Mahbeer Yaweer at home. She felt grateful because everything was settling down.

   14 years has passed. Now, she works as a lecturer at Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Taylor University. Her past journey makes her keep strong and never gives up achieving her big dreams. She does not know where and what happened to Lamya because she moves to a new place since she finished her school. Even it is hard to forget, but she already forgives Lamya and prays the best for her. She is not just a lecturer but also, a wife to Dr. Iyaad Shehroze, a medical doctor at Global Doctors Specialist Centre and a mother to a cute girl, Khawla Yaseena. She stills keep in touch with her best friend, Umnia who works as an engineer. She learnt many things during her journey when she was 14 years old. She remembers one thing in her life; Allah will show the truth if we always be patient with all His tests. She feels grateful and lives happily in her new life with her family.

-     THEEND  - 

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