Home Novel Thriller/Aksi THREE
Aaliya Adni
2/3/2019 23:49:11
Kategori: Novel
Genre: Thriller/Aksi
Senarai Bab

The meeting did not go very well. When all they wanted was to conclude the tasks, the client seemed to be tugging at every single details. The back end programming and codes were all in place but little details like the emojis, an indent in paragraph and a very little tone difference in colour choice seemed to be taking too long even to be finalized. Even if it was agreed on initially the reviewing team seemed to keep on changing from their agreed decisions. They flip-flopped on quite a number of issues.

It was rather tiring and he left hurriedly to go home. The weather wasn't very good, either. Thunderstorm was expected and everyone seemed to be hurrying to go home at about 5.00pm.

The exit door closed behind him and he ran to his old Nissan. A blue sedan model made in 2000. The manual car was very handy when driving in a difficult terrain despite it was a run down, used so often that no one would consider hitch hiking into one.

He clasped the laptop firmly. Worried that it would fall and he didn't want it to spoil the whole plan.

He drove through City Road which ran along the river cutting through the metropolitan centre and his mind was disturbed by the things he went through during the meeting.

"You gotta bring in the other guys who helped you in this project.. where are they?" asked the man in the black jacket. 

Adam looked up from his computer and tried to respond. Before he even said anything another grumpy looking balding man, with thick black brow,   blurted. "I want a specialist who could vouch for your apps.. how do you expect users to be able to follow the instructions when they are not even attractive? Look at the Einstein Brain Maths App. that attract kids. Your app... huh..." he gave a horrible sigh with the ugliest rolled eyes Adam had seen.

Adam knew his name was Hakeem and the other guy was probably Manoj. But he was getting tired with those two. They have been wearing their unfriendly faces and did not seem to be reasonable. All the latter was saying was about how terrible the application was, whereas Hakeem kept on changing his mind about things Adam started to wonder if the guy had premature dementia. There were three others in the room. They had met a couple of times in previous meetings and they were not any nicer than those two. Adam had at times bumped unto them at the parking lot and had coffee at the cafe with them. But none said anything much during in the meeting.

Adam clinched his fist every time the two said something. The last of his patience went blowing to pieces. He stomped on the desk and gave them his piece of mind. That was the last thing he remembered.

The rain dropped on to the windscreen. His eyes caught a reflection of a familiar vehicle. That was the silent guy in the meeting room. What was he doing tailing him along this route. This was the direction to my office, why is he trailing me?? Am I getting paranoid? 

He tried to remain calm. Traffic light was red. He grabbed the hand phone and sent a message.

"I am going for a detour. Someone is tailing me. Be back later."

Previous: Prolog
Next: 2

Portal Ilham tidak akan bertanggungjawab di atas setiap komen yang diutarakan di laman sosial ini. Ianya adalah pandangan peribadi dari pemilik akaun dan ianya tiada kaitan dengan pihak Portal Ilham.

Portal Ilham berhak untuk memadamkan komen yang dirasakan kurang sesuai atau bersifat perkauman yang boleh mendatangkan salah faham atau perbalahan dari pembaca lain. Komen yang melanggar terma dan syarat yang ditetapkan juga akan dipadam.