Home Novel Thriller/Aksi THREE
Aaliya Adni
2/3/2019 23:49:11
Kategori: Novel
Genre: Thriller/Aksi
Senarai Bab


The next meeting scheduled for discussing the interface of the app was due  on Monday. But the meeting was rescheduled thrice. Finally Manoj secretary called their office to let him know the meeting would be on, in the afternoon. This is puzzling.. the bad omen did not escape Milia’s mind.


“At least give one day notice. As if we have to drop everything just to follow their order” she grumbled.


“But customer is always right..” Adam reminded her, trying to reduce her apprehension.


“Okay just be careful. You can never be too careful…”


She gave him a peck and Adam went to Voltaire X office with an intern named Johan and another staff named Harith. Farhan went there by himself from home. They couldn’t afford paying a team and did most of the programming himself. 


They arrived at the Head Quarters at about 9.00am and the meeting started almost immediately.


He looked around the attendees. The usual faces. Manoj. Hakeem. Felicia. Mahbob. Another guy seated at the place where Ozir often took when in the meeting.


" So this is your specialist?" Manoj started drumming his fingers on the table. Impatiently waiting for the answer.


Adam flustered.


" Specialist? We are creating the app ourselves...there is no need to ask for a specialist opinion."


" How do i know this app is good if you cannot get a specialist to endorse it? Tell me.”


Everyone was looking at each other.


“If google was based on a specialist opinion and waited for an endorsement...it could be too late to get into the market,” said Adam.


" On top of that these days everything is..under construction.." added Farhan.


" Huh.. that is not a good answer. I would expect at least you go get some endorsement from some scholars or .. someone famous .. urgh..”


Farhan and Adam looked at each other.


" We will figure it out and let u know in the next meeting," Farhan blurted after a few minutes of awkward silence.


" We have also updated some of the details as per listed by Mr Ozir.."said Adam going thru the minutes of the meeting.


" Ouh Mr Ozir is replaced by Mr Kurta.." he showed using his thumb to the man with a big moustache.


" Ozir is out of this project?" asked Adam curious.


The room went silent. Like there was a gush of strong wind silencing everyone.


The bland look from the faces of the client’s team made Adam wondered if something was wrong.


" Didn’t u read the news?" asked Hakeem, breaking the silence.


Adam blinked his eyes and shook his head.


“Hmm nope.. why?”


“You nerds are too busy with your effing computers, you dunno much about real life. Or death," said Manoj coldly.


" Sorry. But is there anything that we need to know? But don’t know?” Farhan snorted.


" Ozir is dead," replied Hakeem. "He was found bloodied and naked in The Cafe toilet."


 It felt as if a thug hit him on his head. He reminisced the time when he was driving home with Ozir's car closely trailing him.


Previous: 3

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