Home Puisi Alternatif Tainted
Winter Zack
28/11/2017 07:30:29
Kategori: Puisi
Genre: Alternatif

Green is the nature;

But it disappears as days pass by,

Loses its throne or the new king; fame.

God’s gifts been forgotten and killed,

All for the man’s greed.

Red is blood;

The shade that coloured the earth.

Heart darken by the hatred.

Never satisfied with what they have,

Life taken with a single click of a gun.

Blue is the ocean;

The domicile of mermaids,

One, that seek love by the coast.

Beauties here and there,

Yet, no one heart's is content,

As the eyes of men are blinded.

White is the cloud;

As clean as a child’s heart,

As pure as chastity.

If we were to live in the air of innocence,

Would everyone be as white as the cloud?

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